Medieval: Back and Forth Artstation Challenge

This is my submission for the Game Environment Art (Real-Time) category in the Artstation challenge Medieval: Back and Forth.
I really enjoyed how much fun this scene felt to build and I learned a lot along the way.

I worked off of the awesome concept by Sam Kemp for this scene.

Progress Video

Hot Rod material painted with Substance Painter

Hot Rod material painted with Substance Painter

Tanks and Props material painted with Substance Painter

Tanks and Props material painted with Substance Painter

Trim sheet and addition props painted in Substance Painter

Trim sheet and addition props painted in Substance Painter

Tiling materials built in Substance Designer. This also shows an example of the vertex painted materials.

Tiling materials built in Substance Designer. This also shows an example of the vertex painted materials.

Hot Rod Zbrush sculpt

Hot Rod Zbrush sculpt

Tanks Sculpt - most other props used trims from this sculpt for the hi poly details

Tanks Sculpt - most other props used trims from this sculpt for the hi poly details

Trim and Tiled Brick Zbrush Sculpt

Trim and Tiled Brick Zbrush Sculpt

Modeling in Maya

Modeling in Maya

The vertex paint master material I built in UE5 to help detail the tiling materials in the scene.

The vertex paint master material I built in UE5 to help detail the tiling materials in the scene.

Vertex Paint Base

Vertex Paint Base

Vertex Paint Top Material

Vertex Paint Top Material

Vertex Paint Material Instance

Vertex Paint Material Instance

Plaster wall base Substance Designer graph

Plaster wall base Substance Designer graph

Tiled floor Substance Designer graph

Tiled floor Substance Designer graph